Sunday 16 June 2013

Group Meeting #16

We all met today to finalise the magazine, finish off last minute layout, do the cover page, table of contents and back page. We will print it off after the meeting so we can hand it in today. This is our last post! Destination Gems over and out. 

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Group Meeting #15

All here. Holly delegated and emailed out cover pages to everyone for the different sections of the UK. Everyone has completed their part so it will be put into the magazine. Holly has put most of the information into the magazine, there are still a few destinations; Wales, Scotland, Eire and Northern Ireland to do. The photos still need to be put in, Tresha will send them through to everyone. This meeting we have put photos in with the information and are continuing to add the pages. We are aiming to complete the magazine for printing by Monday. Holly will continue to email pages to us to put pictures in as she does them. 

Sunday 9 June 2013

Group Meeting #14

The group met after class on Monday and discussed and critiqued the layout so far. We discussed the rest of the layout and the order of the magazine. We decided it would make the most sense to keep the magazine in the order of the tasks and make title pages for each of the countries. Holly will continue doing the layout for the magazine; we will meet again on Wednesday. 

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Group Meeting #13

We met in class and continued doing layout. Fiona has done most of the editing so Holly could continue putting the finished information into the magazine. Ashleigh has done the advertising pages, which look great so they will be put in. Tresha has sent us the photos and done the referencing for the photos to go in an appendix at the end of the magazine.

Monday 3 June 2013

Group Meeting #12

We all met to continue doing the layout for the magazine. We decided it is easier to the editing first, so Fiona will do that in the next day. Holly has made a good start on the layout for the magazine and putting all our information in. She will continue once Fiona has completed the edits. Tresha is finding pictures for destinations that will inspire the reader. We have decided to do our travel products as advertisements so Ashleigh will do that. We will meet tomorrow after class to continue the layout.