Tuesday 16 April 2013

Group Meeting #7

Everyone is present except Peiyi. We have gathered together and critiqued all our individual tasks from the previous week and also emailed them to Ashleigh so they can all be merged together into a article for the magazine. The task we were assigned was attractions and events around the UK, this being the last activity for information for the magazine. Our next step will be working out the overall design of the magazine using Microsoft Publisher. After our meeting today we won't see each other for two weeks as it is Polytech holidays. Throughout the holidays we will be communicating with each other and finishing the work we critiqued at this meeting. 

Ashleigh - 10 attractions in London
Holly - 5 attractions in Northern Ireland and 4 Sporting attractions
Fiona - 5 attractions in Wales and Scotland
Tresha - 5 attractions in Eire and 6 other attractions
Peiyi - 10 attractions in England (to be confirmed)

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Group Meeting #6

Today in class Ashleigh, Fiona and Peiyi were present. Ashleigh allocated the final tasks on attractions and events and emailed them to everyone. We also looked at travel brochures on the UK and discussed ideas for layout. We will group the attractions and information by country, Scotland, England etc rather than all attractions together then all the accommodation as we think this will be easier for the reader.

We will continue critiquing each other’s work this week and doing our assigned tasks. We are also deciding what articles we will add to to turn into feature articles. 

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Group Meeting #5

All present except Peiyi, she put in apologies. Today we are editing and critiquing the work we have done so far and checking that everything is up to date. Everyone looked through each other’s work and gave their opinions and improvements. We are still waiting for tasks from Peiyi so we couldn’t edit everything.